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St. Felix Catholic School

St. Felix
Catholic School



Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Multi Academy Trust Uniform Policy

Click here to read the uniform expectations at St Felix

Second Hand Uniform When children leave the school or they grow out of uniform, we encourage parents to  donate this to the Home School Association, who will arrange for this to be sold for a nominal amount to raise funds for the school. Sales are held regularly throughout the year or parents can contact the school office who hold a list of available items and can arrange for these to be purchased as needed.

Most items of uniform can be purchased at a local supermarket.

Branded uniform is ordered directly from our supplier using the following link:

We keep a stock of caps, ties and backpacks in school which you can purchase directly from the office at the following prices.

Ties £5, Caps £4.25, wool hats £4.50 and Backpacks £12.