Parish Links
Which is walking distance from the school. The Church is located on Princess Way, Haverhill, CB9 9BP.
Sunday Mass times:
6:30pm Saturday and 10am Sunday
The closeness of the Parish Church to the school means that the children can walk up to Church to take part in services, and that visits can easily be arranged to enhance the children’s understanding of the role the Church plays in our everyday school life.
Fr John, our Parish Priest, is our chaplain, and often visits school, to celebrate Mass, join us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, or just come for lunch.
He is also a member of our school governing body.
Fr John can be contacted either through the school, or via:
3 Wentworth Terrace
Tel: 01440 702156
Preparation for First Holy Communion
The school works very closely with the Parish to prepare children for their First Holy Communion.
More details of the Parish itself, including newsletters can be found at