Sports Day 2024

After days of crossing our fingers and praying hard, the rain stopped and we had wonderful sports day weather.
We all assembled on the playground after the parents had been refreshed by hot drinks served by the HSA. We said our prayer and reminded ourselves about the Olympic values - playing hard but playing fair.
Then the fun began. EYFS , KS1 and KS2 each had a carousel of activities for pupils to take part in and earn points for their house. The organised plan of the day kept the children moving and active rather than simply watching others. Maths skills were needed as scores were totalled.
After a comfort break, KS2 had their competitive running races and a real drive to win was seen in all classes alongside genuine sportsmanship. When the scores were totalled up, the winning house was ... St Peter (although Mrs Dodds seemed a little confused about this!).
The real celebration of our community was the shared picnic lunch on the field. Great weather, great friends and a great day. Huge thanks to all who contributed to make this day so special!