Fairtrade Day

Our helping hands are spreading our love around the world
To celebrate Fairtrade Day, Mrs Anderson and her team ensured everyone had access to a Fairtrade treat.
In the afternoon, the school gathered together to remind ourselves about why Fairtrade is important.
Pupils in Y2 were able to explain why: The money went to people who don’t get paid well for the jobs - Axel
What do we value in our lives?
- My dog and my family and my friends.
- Our world
- There is no Planet B
- A place to be
- Food and water – clean water
- Our kindness
Fairtrade means - Choose the world you want.
Are you willing to give a little bit more to make their life better?
- The farmers and workers are paid for their work and their crop
- Then they receive an extra sum to improve the quality of their lives
- This is called the Fairtrade premium
Jesus said – “ Love one another as I have loved you.” Each one of us is precious in God’s eyes.
Pupils brought in donations for the Fairtrade treat and these will be split between Haverhill Foodbank and Cafod.