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St. Felix Catholic School

St. Felix
Catholic School

Latest News

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  • 20/12/23

    Non-Fiction November winner

    In November, the Reading Leaders ran a competition to encourage children to read non-fiction books.
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  • 20/12/23

    St Felix Jólabókaflóð.

    In Iceland, they have a really special tradition for Christmas called the Jólabókaflóð. On Christmas Eve, people exchange books as presents. They open their books straight away and then spend Christmas Eve reading in front of the fire, eating chocolate or drinking hot cho...
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  • 15/12/23

    Christmas Poetry Celebration

    This afternoon, each of the classes performed a Christmas poem off by heart for the rest of the school.
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  • 01/12/23

    Ministry Team Visit to Clare Priory

    On Wednesday 29th November the Ministry team accompanied by Mrs Dodds and Father John visited Clare Priory for a frosty pilgrimage.
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  • 03/11/23

    New Reading Leaders

    Thursday saw the first assembly by our new Reading Leaders to launch their November Non-Fiction initiative. 
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  • 30/10/23

    Coffee, Cake and Calculate

    A chance to find out how we teach maths at St Felix
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  • 10/10/23

    Reading for Pleasure

    Adolescents entering the adult world in the 21st century will read and write more than at any other time in human history.
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  • 06/10/23

    Harvest Festival 2023

    Around the world, one in three people have gone hungry in the last year. This Harvest, help to brighten up the world by fundraising for our global family.
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  • 29/09/23

    Ministry Team Visit to Diocesan Mass

    After a gap of 3 years, it was wonderful to join together with other Catholic schools in the Diocese at St John the Baptist Cathedral in Norwich for the annual Diocesan School's Mass with Bishop Peter.
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  • 08/09/23

    A Successful Start to the New School Year

    Today St Felix shared Meet the Teacher morning and Commissioning Mass to launch the new school year
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  • 17/07/23

    Winning House for 2022-23

    Congratulation to St Francis the winning House for 2022-23
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  • 14/07/23

    St Felix 50th Activity Day

    St Felix opened in 1973 and today we celebrated the five decades which followed with an exploration of music, art and fashion from those years.
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