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St. Felix Catholic School

St. Felix
Catholic School


Accessibility for All

All staff at St. Felix are aware of the different physical needs of children; this means they recognise disability issues. All barriers to learning and participation are removed and specific pupils’ needs are planned for and supported. All children are encouraged to take part in all activities and, where necessary, extra support is provided to ensure all children can partake in all activities.  

At St. Felix, we have two disabled toilets, located in each school building and all teaching spaces are accessible. There is a clearly marked accessible parking space within the car park and outside the school gates. 

Learning environments are adapted when needed, with, for example, work stations, writing slopes, Ipads and laptops. Furthermore, all teachers plan for all needs in the classroom and, if necessary, in consultation with the SENDco. An equality impact assessment is completed on school policies and recruitment. 

The governing body has decided that children with special educational needs will be admitted to the school in line with the school's agreed admission policy. The school and SENDCo will ideally work with parents and appropriate agencies before admission with the aim of planning and securing necessary adaptations within the scope of the school’s resources. 

Accessibility Plan 2025