World Book Day
Pupils in Year 3 and Year 4 are enjoying sharing their favourite books and stories.
A book in a box has been the focus of activities in LKS2. Pupils choose a favourite book and share the characters and setting with others by creating a visual representation - all handily stored in its own box.
Pupils spoke about the joy of sharing a book or story with others. I heard all about the Snow Bear from Chloe, Sophia detailed why Red Riding Hood is a great story, Amy explained the magic behind her ballerina and Oscar told me about the cleverness of George's Marvellous Medicine.
These story boxes will be displayed to share with children in EYFS and KS1.
All classes were visited by a member of the Librarian Team, which consists of Y5 and Y6 pupils. Adah explained that they read a story or poem to each class and the children listened and seemed to enjoy it. She injected some humour into her session by sharing the Complaint by Allan Ahlberg which compared the life of pupils and teachers at playtime.