Mrs. A. Dodds Designated Safeguarding Lead / Mental Health Lead / MFL and English Lead (Writing)
Assistant Headteacher
Miss M. Murray – Rowling (Year 5 and 6) KS2 Leader / Maths Lead / Assessment Lead
Mrs. R, Bamlett - Tues / Wed Alternate Safeguarding Lead
Teaching Staff
Mrs. T. Naylor – Butterworth (Foundation Stage - Reception) Alternate Safeguarding Lead / Early Years Leader / Geography Lead
Miss S. Chambers – Murphy (Foundation Stage - Nursery) PE Lead
Mrs. C. Curr - Inkpen (Year 1) English Lead (Phonics and Reading)
Mrs. S. Call – Inkpen (Year 1) Rowling (Year 5 and 6) History Lead / Skillsbuilder Lead
Mr C. Thirkell - Donaldson (Year 2) – KS1 Lead / Computing Lead
Mrs. T. Anderson – Dahl (Year 3) RSHE Leader / EVC
Mrs. D. Teixeira – Dahl (Year 3) – RE Lead
Mrs. S. Stick – Lewis (Year 4) - Music Lead
Mrs. T. Graham – Horowitz (Year 5) Art and DT Lead
Mrs. M. Hopkins – Horowitz (Year 5) Science Lead
Teaching Assistants and HLTAs
Mrs. D. Boreham
Mrs. N. Heffron
Mrs. Z. Kelleher
Mrs. G. Mills
Mrs. L. Newnes – HLTA
Mrs. S. Rose
Mrs. P. Shrestha
Mrs. S. Shrimpton
Mrs. S. Spiers – HLTA
Mrs. A. Start
Mrs. L. Smith
Admin Staff
Mrs Lisa Costa - Office Manager
Mrs Jenny Goodall
Mrs Amy Jeffrey
Mrs Agnieszka Lambert